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Photo Gallery:  Week 11a (June 25-July 1, 2007)


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This was just the beginning of putting together and raising the giant revival tent.  Little did we know, at this point, what we were in for!

Okay, we've got one section laid out on the ground.  Pastor Bobby gives our group instructions for what comes next...

Elena and the others hold the outer poles steady in the wind, while the stronger folks prepare to hoist the center of the tent on three much larger poles

Chelsea, one of the strongest girls in the group, gives the men a run for their money.  She can pound huge stakes in the ground as well as they can!

Steve, Elena, and Ed, taking a much needed breather!

Almost there...

The finished product!!!


With a job well done, we are SO ready for lunch!!!


Pastor Bobby and Wayne, grateful for the break, head to the lunch room as they discuss plans for the week ahead...



Mike and his twin sons, Dylan and Logan- making tent raising look cool!

Lindsay, Jess and Josh- making everything look cool!!

Lyle can't wait for Jonathan and me to write a book about our travels.  He was very enthusiastic about and supportive of our journey across America. 

Nile, son of John and Jane who led the project at Helen's trailer, worked hard all week with us- priming, painting, building porches and hanging a metal skirt around the bottom.  Despite migraines in the scorching heat, Nile hung like a pro.

Ed Nichols- one of the very first to extend a warm welcome to Jonathan and myself.  Although he and his family had to leave the trip early due to a death in the family, we felt a genuine connection with Ed and his entire family.  Ed announced to the group on our first night, "I just know I'm going to really love this couple by the end of the week!"  Well Ed, the feeling is mutual!

Taking some time to fool around on the see-saw.  We can't work ALL the time!!

Lynn was the second person we met through the church group.  He was extremely gracious and generous toward us, and the first to find out about our engagement!  Lynn always had a joke or wise crack to help lighten the mood while working hard in the hot sun.

Ed and his wife Mary- she didn't know this picture was being taken, you can just see how happy she is to be with her man- isn't it great?

Ed and Steve (guitar player at devotion meetings)

The girls are practicing their dance moves for VBS

Mary helps prime Helen's trailer

Daughter Lindsay does her best with the roller, no shade in sight!

Rebecca takes a turn with the roller, trying not to spill the paint...

Josh making this look GOOD- using a roller just his size

Elena fills in the gaps missed by the rollers with brush strokes

Almost finished priming, but still needs some touching up before the paint goes on

Cleaning oil based paint off your skin is not easy to do...

Unless you have some diesel fuel to rub all over yourself (thanks John~ we never wouldn't known!)


Jonathan and I just can't bring ourselves to rub diesel fuel on our bodies...

...but everyone else dives right in!

The painting crew at Helen's

Mike emcee's as the girls (and Josh!) get ready to do their thing

Said girls doing said thing!

Michaela and Beth show the kids how to do a three legged race...

Elena gives it a try with a Navajo girl whose partner didn't want to race with her


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